Vehicle Odometer Telematics Automation To Improve Data Accuracy & Labour Resource Allocation

The Vehicle Odometer Telematics Automation project was implemented for our customer, one of Australia’s largest natural gas producers. The aim was to automate the transfer of odometer readings from the MiX fleet management system to the Maintenance Connection CMMS.

Automation Impact: Reduce Time-consuming Processes & Data Inaccuracies

Prior to implementing the solution, the meter readings contained in the MiX report were manually entered into the Maintenance Connection asset module. For a fleet of approximately 500 vehicles, this was time-consuming, and inaccuracies were occurring.

The solution was to automate the update of our customer’s fleet of vehicles’ meter reading values in Maintenance Connection. This was done via emails generated by the MiX reporting module.

The automation allowed for the generation of KM-based service schedules, eliminating the need for manual data entry, and reducing inaccuracies caused by human error for the client.

Additionally, the customer’s labour resources were freed up to focus on:

  • inspecting vehicles and performing maintenance tasks, resulting in fewer unplanned breakdowns,
  • reduced missed services,
  • and improved compliance.

Challenges:  Inter-Departmental Collaboration

One of the main challenges in building this solution was the separation of the vehicle department from the main gas-producing department within the customer’s organisation. Each department with different equipment, staffing resources and requirements.

The project required collaboration between these different business units, and MCGlobal Solution consultants worked closely with the new business unit to understand their needs. This integration proved to be an effective way to expand the reach of the Maintenance Connection CMMS within the company.

Our Developers Integration Solution

Various products and technologies were utilised by the developer in the integration, including:

  • Accruent Maintenance Connection and its API,
  • MiX Telematics with Insight Reports,
  • AWS SES (Simple Email Service), and
  • AWS Lambda (Cloud Application Service).

The solution workflow involved:

  • Calibrating AssetIDs in both systems
  • Setting up the Maintenance Connection PM Module with KM-based schedules and procedures
  • Collecting odometer readings in the MiX Telematics system
  • Generating a report in MiX Telematics, and
  • Automating the delivery of the report via email to an AWS SES address.

Upon receiving the telematics report via email;

  1. An AWS Lambda function was triggered to process the readings CSV file.
  2. The Lambda function then sent requests to the Maintenance Connection API to update the Asset.Meter1Reading values.
  3. Based on the updated readings, Maintenance Connection generated new work orders with appropriate service schedules for each vehicle.
Vehicle Odometer Telematics Automation MCglobal Solutions web

The Future: Adoption Potential For Various Industries

The methods and techniques used in this integration are not limited to the telematics space. They can be applied to a wide range of integrations, indicating the potential for further automation and efficiency improvements in various industries and business processes.

Book a free consultation

Contact us to arrange a complimentary consultation to discuss how we potentially offer seamless software integration solutions and discover the potential benefits it can offer your company.

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