Geographic Information System (GIS) Integration to Improve Operational Effectiveness + Reduce Costs

MCGlobal Solutions addresses the challenges faced by clients in the gas industry who manage assets spread across vast geographical areas.

By integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) data with the Maintenance Connection software, MCGlobal Solutions has significantly enhanced work order efficiency and visibility for technicians, leading to improved operational effectiveness and cost savings.

GIS Integration Impact: Enhanced Work Order Efficiency + Visibility for the Gas Industry

Prior to implementing our GIS integration solution, maintenance staff faced multiple challenges:

  1. They lacked access to crucial GIS data, such as property boundaries, ownership details, and access agreements, resulting in inefficiencies and delays.
  2. Technicians often travelled long distances to attend a site, only to discover additional work orders in the same area that could have been addressed simultaneously.

GIS Visibility Benefits

With our integrated GIS interface, technicians now have improved visibility through the ability to view all work order locations on a map. They can easily identify if multiple works can be completed in the same area, reducing unnecessary travel, and optimising their productivity.

This enhanced visibility streamlines work order management and prevents technicians from having to return to the same location multiple times, reducing frustration and saving time and resources.

GIS Data Improves Accessibility

Furthermore, providing technicians with access to the GIS data allows them to research and retrieve crucial details about landholder management requirements. Previously, they had to rely on GIS operators to request this information, leading to delays and dependencies. Now, technicians can independently access and utilise GIS data, enhancing their autonomy and efficiency in completing work orders.

Challenges: Integrating Multiple GIS Databases

One of the key challenges was the existence of various GIS databases among our clients, with each one having implemented a different GIS database. It would be impractical to develop individual integrations and documentation for each one. Combined with training technicians on multiple interfaces would have been labour-intensive and time-consuming.

GIS Viewer Interface

To address this challenge, we researched potential solutions and discovered a company that had developed a user interface capable of integrating multiple GIS databases and displaying the data in a standardised format. Leveraging this product, our developers created a single integration with a GIS Viewer, enabling every Maintenance Connection customer to utilise their preferred GIS database seamlessly.

Using the Maintenance Connection API, we linked assets to GIS objects and embedded the GIS Viewer into the asset and work order modules. This integration enables users to select the required asset, automatically zooming in on the object’s location on the map.

The GIS Viewer offers comprehensive functionality, including layer control and database searches, all accessible within the Maintenance Connection user interface.

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The Future: Customer Loyalty and GIS Viewer Integration Potential

By integrating the GIS Viewer with the Maintenance Connection system, our clients now have access to both asset management system data and the full GIS database within a single user interface.

Client benefits 

This unified access provides numerous efficiency and cost-saving benefits, strengthing our clients’ satisfaction with the CMMS and GIS products. For the functionality and efficiency gains offered by the Maintenance Connection system integrating GIS seamlessly, has delivered proven results.

MCGlobal Solutions’ GIS integration solution has significantly improved work order efficiency and visibility for our customers in the gas industry.

By seamlessly integrating GIS data with the Maintenance Connection system, technicians can optimise their travel routes, reduce redundant trips, and access vital information independently.

This integration not only streamlines operations but also fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering a comprehensive solution that combines CMMS and GIS functionalities.

We believe our innovative solution has had a notable impact and offers further potential in other industries.

Book a free CMMS and GIS product demonstration

Contact us to arrange a product demonstration of how we integrate GIS within our CMMS system and discover the potential benefits it can offer your company.

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